Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Last day!!!

Today, I ate another toaster treat, but I only got half, since my dog Jake jumped up and got a taste for himself. For lunch, I ate a sandwich and carrots. For dinner, Lee ate ramen noodles, and I ate plain noodles with a little butter and salt. It sounded good, but we are definitely glad for the challenge to be over. Lee is already planning what to do tomorrow to celebrate. I am going out with my sister for lunch, which I am really excited to do! This challenge has taught us a lot, and I know it will help me to be more responsible in our spending.

Monday, March 1, 2010

Day 6

Today was ok. I will be so glad to eat better. My breakfast was a toaster treat, again. I would eat cereal for breakfast, but we do not have enough milk. I had a sandwich and carrots for lunch and beans with cheese and cornbread for breakfast. Lee had ramen noodles for dinner. I have definitely learned to appreciate what I have. The hardest part of this week was planning out everything for a week and avoiding random impulse buys. There have been several times where we have been too tired to fix a full meal but had to in order to have meals for the next few days. I know I will be taking a lot away from this experience.